Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My day today

It was the best of times and worst of times.......not really but I thought it would be a great way to start this blog. A great teacher once told me " Teaching is like being a comedian, you can tell a joke one night and it can kill, then tell the same joke the next night and it can bomb." Its amazing to me one class can progress so quickly while another class can be so far behind. If your a great teacher is it possible for a class make up contribute to its progress (or lack of). In teaching school were taught that all children can learn, but i'm a little fuzzzy on the learn part. What can they learn: Shakespear, Algebra, or how to rebuild a transmission. Anyways here is my hot topic question:

Does a "student make up" of a classroom determine the amount that studenst can learn?


Eric said...

I don't believe so. I think as the teacher you act as a resource and a facilitator. Master these roles and then you can empower your kids to be successful.

Sierra said...

I think that every student has strengths and weaknesses and it is our job as educators to foster each students strengths - whether algebra, writing, or fixing a car engine!

Q said...

Not if you push them and impose your power and authority.

If you're weak, then the students rule the classroom. Rule with an Iron Bloody Fist.

Rule with an Iron Bloody Fist.

And they will respect you.

Julie said...

I say no, but it can influence students. Some kids just learn better and are on task more when they are not with certain students. However, realize this then there are strategies you can use as a teacher to ensure optimal learning.

Jeff Billings said...

Absolutely...class make up is how you have to adjust your teaching. It is the fact that you all are hungry for learning that we get done what we do. I can imagine a different make up of students and the class being much more somber. The teacher plays a role just like the students. But, the teacher has to rise above it and still ensure content is present, environment is present, and attitude is present - teacher doesn't have a choice to teach - student has a choice to learn - good teacher brings them both together.